
An interdisciplinary multinational performance project. A living conversation about multiculturalism.

The Art of creating and arranging choreography, specifically to appear in a photograph, or a digital, image to accompany a live performance, or an installation; a photographic memory of choreography and other composite imagery designed specifically to bring another story into focus. WARNING: SOME IMAGES CONTAIN NUDITY.

In 2004, photographs from the African Burial Grounds collection on this site were added the photography and print archives at the Schomburg Center For Research in Black Culture/New York Public Library. Boyce also received Honorable Mentions in the category, The Deeper Perspective— for photographs of the African Burial Grounds, in the 2009 International Photography Awards.

Lest we not forget that the communal experience that is Powwow has survived being nearly erased from the land of its birth.

The Glory of Brooklyn’s Gowanus: Legacy, Industry, and Artistry is the first hard cover contemporary text written about the history of Gowanus Canal, through its current state of flux.

In 2007, The Crusher (a photograph of a now demolished nineteenth century stone crushing plant along the banks of the Gowanus Canal), was included in the Professional Women Photographers group exhibition, Elegy for Eden, at the Durst Organization/Lobby Gallery in New York City. Also, this image is part of a collection of recent photographs in The Glory of Brooklyn’s Gowanus: Legacy, Industry, and Artistry.